Two travelers stop at a stand of an artisan street/flea market in South America.

The salesperson approaches traveler #1, “buenas tardes senor, que…”

Without letting him finish his sentence, the first traveler interrupts the salesperson, “yeah, how much for these pants?”

In a heavy Spanish accent, the salesperson answers, “wentee fi dollar.”

Traveler #1 starts negotiating, “na na na, twenty five dollars is way more than I was willing spend, give me a better price.”

The salesperson answers, “bueno, me do vetty good price to you, wentee dollar.”

Satisfied with having brought down the price, traveler #1 pulls out his wallet, hands him a Twenty dollar bill and walks away with the pants.

The second traveler, having witnessed this, turns to his wife and says,

“I wish I could speak Spanish, I feel so rude not being able to speak their language.”

The salesperson approaches traveler #2, “buenas tardes senor.”

In a broken Spanish, traveler #2 answers, “bonas tordy. I’m so sorry, I don’t speak very good Spanish, would you mind if we spoke English.”

The salesperson answers, “Si, si senor, no es a problema, mi inglish no vetty good, but ok.”

Traveler #2 replies, “Muchas Gracias senor, I appreciate it. Please, can you tell me how much for these pants?”

The salesperson answers, “For you, ten dollar.”

Traveler #2 pays him ten dollars, thanks him for his assistance and walks away with the pants.

Before following her husband, traveler #2’s wife walks up to salesperson and asks him, “perdon senor, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you charge that other man so much more than you charged my husband?”

The salesperson replies,

“That man pay fair money. Wentee dollar is true value for this blanket. Humility has great rewards, greater than anything we could imagine!